Joyce Schafers
life skills coach

Solo Support
Support for people who
want to get to the bottom of things.
If you've found yourself on my website, chances are there's an area of your life that has felt like a relentless and painful thorn in your side ~ that one issue (or maybe even more than one) that, no matter what you've done or tried, keeps repeating itself, over and over again.
And, maybe things have gotten more uncomfortable lately ~ the issues seem to be affecting you more and maybe even impacting others in a negative way. Either way, you're probably feeling frustrated and uncertain about what to do next. If you're like me, you're a curious person and would just love to know the issues underlying this negative pattern.
Imagine no longer feeling confused and powerless when the problem feels intense and unmanageable. Instead, you understand why you're doing what you're doing and better yet ~ you'll have a plan in place that will actually make you feel better. Instead of spinning your wheels in the same problems over and over again, you'd have real insight into the dynamic that has been so troubling. Imagine using your newfound insight with specific, effective tools that will move out of the rut that has kept you stuck and onto a new way of feeling and being.
The peace that you get from finally understanding what's beneath the troubling issue is something you've been craving, for a very long time. And, knowing how to move through the problems ~ actually knowing what to do ~ makes you feel empowered, like little else.
Turning problems into progress.
For most of us, when we're stuck in a negative pattern ~ whether it's money problems, weight issues, or relationship challenges, etc. ~ there's an underlying sense of stress, powerlessness and confusion that rarely leaves us. Our mind is often consumed with trying to figure out how to resist making the same old choices. The stress of being stuck in a negative pattern can get pretty intense. But what if this negative pattern could be used as a tool to help you deepen
your sense of peace, rather than pull you away from it?
What if your career challenges led you directly to
an inner feeling of success instead of making you feel like you're a failure?
What if your weight struggle was a gateway to feeling confident
instead of a reminder of how insecure you feel?
What if you used your relationship problems to prove how lovable you actually are
instead of being a symbol of how you’re unlovable?
The goal of my program is to help you unplug from the intense desire to try to 'fix' the problem (for now) and help you understand what is behind your need for things to be different. By understanding that our unresolved emotional pain from the past creates unhealthy attachments and negative patterns we can begin to make real and lasting change ~ the kind of change that will really bring peace to your problems.
With your willingness to try something different than you've tried, combined with my experience I believe we can shed some light on the root issues behind your negative pattern.
The sessions are structured in a way that, by the time the program is complete, you will be equipped with insight, skills and practical tools that will enable you to effectively handle the challenges as they arise. My goal isn't to have life-long clients; my goal is to have successful ones. So, by working through the process over a 12-week period you will begin to look at the problems in a new and effective way.
If you would like to learn more about the counselling model I use, please visit my website page The Cycle of Emotional Pain.
The program includes six sessions over a twelve-week period (one session every two weeks). I can meet with you in my office in St. Albert, Alberta or on the phone or via Skype. The sessions are structured as follows:
Session One
The first session is a bit of a fact-finding mission. I'll ask you to share your perspective of the challenges you face: what you believe the problems are, how long have you experienced the pattern, and what solutions have tried in the past (what's worked, what hasn't). I'll explain, in greater detail, how the program works and how it will help you. This session can be up to 90-minutes long.
Sessions Two through Five
These sessions are 60 minutes long. During these four sessions, we will:
identify the trauma that created your unmet emotional need and attachments associated with it,
illustrate, in detail, how your emotional pain has been impacting your life, your relationships and your well being,
help you heal the emotional trauma by teaching you how to meet your emotional needs,
identify your triggers (the situations and circumstances that evoke an emotional need that perpetuates the negative pattern),
discover effective tools to help you manage your triggers and minimize emotional intensity, and
learn how to effectively communicate your way through your triggers.
Each time we meet we will assess your progress and I'll determine the areas that you may need more support.
Session Six
By this time, the goal is to have equipped you with the insight, skills and tools needed to begin to 'unplug' from the vicious cycle of your negative patterns. This session is a great opportunity to touch base and assess what areas may need more clarity or fine-tuning.
Additional Support
Throughout the program, you will have access to me via email support should a difficulty arise that you need help working through. I'm very passionate about support because oftentimes it can turn a trying and difficult situation into a lifelong teachable moment. You will also receive free access to my self-study course called Know Yourself and Break your Pattern: An eight-lesson self-study course that helps you become more powerful than your pattern. The course describes the theory behind the Cycle of Emotional Pain and provides thought-provoking exercises designed to evoke insights and help you integrate the concepts in a way that will create lasting change.
This additional support is absolutely FREE.
My rate for the first 90 minute solo session is $150 plus GST. You have the option of continuing with 90 minute sessions at the same rate or you can go down to a 60 minute session which is $125 plus GST.
Are you ready for things to get better?
If you want to learn more, please contact me. I'd love to arrange a phone conversation to make sure working with me is exactly what you need and want. It's free and there's absolutely no risk or obligation to proceed if you don't want to.
To schedule a time to chat, the best way to reach me is via email. My email address is
Additional Resources
Be sure to check out my Radio Interviews if you'd like to hear discussions about my coaching philosophy or take my Relationship Health Quiz to identify any areas of your relationship that might need help.